Friday, February 1, 2013

Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail

In The Atlantic's Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail Jessica Lahey writes about some stuff I've been saying for a long time, though she's far more eloquent:

"The stories these days reveal a whole new level of overprotectiveness: parents who raise their children in a state of helplessness and powerlessness, children destined to an anxious adulthood, lacking the emotional resources they will need to cope..." -
I remember when Eason failed a test at his dojo. I asked him if he had practiced, and he hadn't, and I explained to him that it was good that he failed. Now he knows his tests are not gifts, but something he has to earn.

Here's a video of Jessica Lahey from February 3, 2013 talking about the subject:

Here's another video of Jessica Lahey from February 3, 2013 talking about the subject:

Here's a radio segment including Jessica Lahey on NPR's WBUR from February 7, 2013:

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